Aireloom Mattress Maintenance 101


Most of us don’t know how to properl;y maintain an aireloom mattress. But in this article we will go through all the information you will ever need to keep your mattress fresh for years.

So, how to care for an aireloom mattress?

To care for your Aireloom mattress, use a mattress protector and rotate it regularly. Keep it clean, and avoid jumping on it. Use a proper bed frame, avoid moisture, don’t fold or bend it.  Try to keep it cool and dry.  Check your warranty and replace your mattress when needed.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Learn how to care for your Aireloom mattress essential maintenance tips in our article. Keep Reading!

How to care for your Aireloom Mattress

You naturally want to ensure that it will serve you for the longest time possible. The quality and longevity of Aireloom mattresses are well-known among consumers. However, just like any other mattress, regular care and upkeep can keep it in pristine shape. We will discuss some of the best practices for extending the life of your Aireloom mattress.

Use a Mattress Protector

Utilizing a mattress cover is the first step you can do to preserve the life of your Aireloom mattress. It is a thin cover that goes over your mattress and helps to protect it from spills, stains, and other damage. You may think of a mattress protector as an extra layer of insurance for your mattress. It also prevents allergens like dust mites and other irritants from your mattress.

It is important to choose a protector that is both breathable and waterproof. This will assist to maintain a cool and dry environment for your mattress. While also shielding it from any messes and stains.

Rotate Your Mattress

Rotating your mattress consistently is another step in maintaining its quality over time. By rotating your mattress, you can avoid uneven wear and tear. Which over time can cause the mattress to lose its support and its structure.

White Aireloom Mattress on a wooden bed

Simply turning your mattress through 180 degrees will allow you to rotate it. This will result in the head of the mattress being at the foot of the bed. You should do this maintenance every three to six months.

Keep Your Mattress Clean

Always keep your Aireloom mattress clean. Your mattress has the potential to collect dust, grime, and other allergens over time. which may have an impact on the quality of your sleep and the general condition of your mattress.

You should use a handheld vacuum or the upholstery tool on your  vacuum to vacuum your mattress. You may also spot-clean your mattress using a gentle detergent and some water. But you should be sure to avoid getting your mattress too wet.

Don’t Jump on Your Mattress

It may be tempting to jump on your Aireloom mattress. Particularly if you have children or dogs in the house. But doing so really puts the mattress at risk of being damaged. If you jump on the mattress, you might potentially bend or break the coils. Which would have a negative impact on the support and comfort of the mattress.

You should avoid jumping on it and instruct your family members to do the same.

Use a Proper Bed Frame

It is imperative that you choose an appropriate bed frame. A quality bed frame will provide the appropriate support as well as ventilation. Which may assist to avoid sagging and other types of damage.

It is important to seek one that is built to properly accommodate your mattress. This guarantees that your mattress is supported in the appropriate manner.

Avoid Excessive Moisture in your Aireloom mattress

Your Aireloom mattress is susceptible to damage from moisture. Which may also lead to the growth of mold and mildew. Because of this, it is very important to prevent getting too much moisture. If you happen to spill anything on your mattress, you should use a moist towel to wipe it up as soon as possible.If your mattress gets wet for any reason, make sure that it is thoroughly dry before you use it again.

Don’t Fold or Bend Your Aireloom mattress

It is important to remember not to fold or bend your Aireloom mattress while you are transporting it. If you do this, you run the risk of permanently damaging the mattress’s coils. It will prevent it from returning to its former shape. You should make an effort to maintain the mattress in as straight of a position as you can.

Keep Your Aireloom mattress Cool and Dry

Your mattress may deteriorate more quickly if it is exposed to heat and humidity. As a result, it is very necessary to maintain a cool and dry environment on your mattress. You can maintain a comfortable temperature in your room with the help of a fan or an air conditioner. You may minimize the amount of moisture in the air by using a dehumidifier if you live in an area that is humid.

Check Your  Aireloom mattress Warranty

There is a guarantee that is included with the purchase of an Aireloom mattress. And it is critical that you understand what is covered and for how long. The warranties provide coverage for faults in the materials and workmanship for a certain amount of time. Contact the manufacturer as soon as possible and see whether the problem is covered by the warranty.

Replace Your Aireloom mattress When Necessary

No matter how you take care of it , Aireloom mattress will ultimately wear down and lose its support . This will occur regardless of how well you maintain it. As a result, you should replace your mattress whenever it becomes required to do so. The majority of mattresses have a lifetime of seven to ten years. It depends on how they are used and maintained.

We have shortlisted a few aireloom products that last long. These are the best sellers on their website. Check them out!


Proper maintenance of your Aireloom mattress is necessary if you want to extend its lifetime. These steps make certain that you will continue to enjoy a restful night’s sleep for many years to come. These are all things that you can do.


How often should I rotate my Aireloom mattress?

Ans: It is recommended to rotate your Aireloom mattress every three to six months to ensure even wear and prolong its lifespan.

Can I clean my Aireloom mattress with water?

Ans: While spot-cleaning with a mild detergent and water is possible, it’s important to avoid getting your mattress too wet. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use minimal moisture to prevent damage.

How long does an Aireloom mattress typically last?

Ans: Aireloom mattresses generally have a lifespan of 7-10 years, depending on usage and care. Regular maintenance and following the care guidelines mentioned can help maximize its longevity.


Now you know how you can maintain your Aireloom Mattress for years to come. Hope this article could answer all your questions . Visit our article if you want to know more about aireloom mattresses.

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