How to get Stains out of Memory Foam Mattress

They are times when cleaning your mattress is effortless, all you have to do is clean it; but what happens if the stain is in too deep? How do you get rid of that kind of stain? Sometimes the stains might be stubborn and refuse to come off, no matter how hard you try. You may you going about it all wrong, so you might want to review your methods and try another means of cleaning or getting rid of such stains.

Presently, I’ll be sharing with some tips on how to get stains out of memory foam mattress. This tips should help solve the problem of stain removal.

how to clean a memory foam mattress

Try using a Sponge and solutions

With a sponge or washcloth, you can easily remove the stain from your memory bed. What you do is to dampen or apply a little amount of hydrogen peroxide on your washcloth or sponge. Next, you take the sponge or washcloth and gently dab the area where the stain is, in a circular motion. When you have done that, you then spray the spot with any pet stain remover, and you can easily find those at any over-the-counter pet store. After spraying, you let the spray sit on the stain for fifteen minutes. After which, you use the dampened washcloth or sponge to clean out the stain.

The downside to using this hydrogen peroxide is that it may end up discoloring the bed when you’re done cleaning, but it will be good as you would not have to see the stain anymore.

Or you could try using lukewarm water

Now when I say use lukewarm water, I don’t mean by itself. Using lukewarm water would mean you would have to use a solution. Here’s how it works; You dampen the affected (or stained) area with the lukewarm water. Next will be to sprinkle some borax (a dry boric acid), or any other boric acid you can lay your hands on. Finding the boric acid is easy, all you have to do it go to a laundry aisle in any grocery shop, and you’ll see what you’re looking for.

After you applied the water and the boric acid, you then dab the spot, or blot out the stain, using a washcloth or a sponge, just like you did with the hydrogen peroxide solution. You clean out the stain using the same circular motion till the stain is completely blotted out. Please, do not try using force, like scrubbing to get rid of the stain, use the gentle circular motion to get rid of the stain. If you scrub, two things will happen; one, the stain will go in deeper, and if the stain goes in deeper, it will become even more difficult to get rid of.

Secondly, you’ll be ruining the bed, leaving a dent or a big hole in the bed. When you’re done with the cleaning, use a fresh dry washcloth to dry off the damp, then you use your hand vacuum to take out the residue of the boric acid.

Citrus Cleanser also does the trick

Using the citrus cleanser can do a lot of good stuff on your bed. What you do is to spray the cleanser on the spot (after applying detergent to the spot first), and leaving it to set for five minutes. Afterward, you can now use a dry washcloth or sponge to blot out the excess liquid.

Baking soda comes in handy as well

Baking soda can help you also to get rid of all those tough and stubborn stains on your memory foam. What you do is you apply detergent to the spot, then the baking soda. You then leave the baking soda to set, overnight (if the stain is very stubborn). Afterward, you vacuum the spot the next day, and your spot is gone, without leaving a mark.

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